Ticket reservation line - 603-242-2314   e-mail smallpondinfo@yahoo.com 

Last updated: 02/17/2025

160 Main Street, Route 101, Marlborough, NH 03455

rough times. We loved every minute!​" Meg K.

Act One

Prologue/Twenty Fans .............................. Bandleader and Company

"What a fantastic show! Well done! Great cast! I can tell it takes

Originally produced by Actors Studio

Small Pond Productions will be ending 2016 with their own very special musical adaptation by Jon R. O’Brien of Charles Dickens’ classic story, “A Christmas Carol,” directed by Traci Booth.

Watchdog Theme Reprise  .......................................................... Chorus

Stave 2:  The First of the Spirits

Texas Has A Whorehouse In It  ............ Melvin P. Thorpe and Chorus

Doatsey Mae ...................................................................... Doatsey Mae

"This production was superb! So many talented actors and singers!

hours and hours to put this together! " Marie M.

I WIll Always Love You ......................................................,... Miss Mona

The Aggie Song ............................. The Aggies and Senator Wingwoah

24 Hours of Lovin'  .............................................. Jewel and Ranch Girls

"This had got to be one of their best shows. Watching Traci and

"This production was superb! So many talented actors and singers!

"Congrats to the cast of TBLWIT! We had such a great time last

"Awesome play, so glad my daughter and I went!​" Nancy L.

Stave 3:  The Second of the Spirits

The story takes places in Gilbert, TX in the 1970's.

Dean was really like watching 2 old friends gettin' through the

Hard Candy Christmas ..............,... Miss Mona, Jewel and Ranch Girls

A Lil' Ole Bitty Pissant Country Place ..... Miss Mona and Ranch Girls

This will mark the fourth time Small Pond Productions will be presenting this very special musical production, and their fifth time in presenting this classic story, making it an annual event for people of all ages to enjoy.

"Great show! All the hours put into this by all of you was well worth

"This was a wonderfully executed play, the music, cast, songs, story was superb! I couldn't take my eyes off Scrooge, he was terrific, thank you, it was great!" ... Pam W.

"Last night's performance of A Christmas Carol was wonderful. We had a great time."... Tania H.

"Great Job!" Antionette P.

"Love this! And you rocked last night, Sonia - very impressed!!!

“On Christmas Night” ............................................................................................................... FRED and CAROLERS
“Tidings Of Comfort And Joy” ................................................................................................................. SOLICITORS
“The Reason For The Season #1” ................................................................................. NARRATOR and CAROLERS
 “I Wonder As I Wander” ..................................................................................................  MARLEY and PHANTOMS

Act Two

Stave 5:  The End of It

Stave 1:  Marley’s Ghost

“The Boar’s Head” ..................................................................................................................... THREE GENTLEMEN
“Fum! Fum!  Fum!” ................................................ MRS DILBER, OLD JOE, LAUDRESS, and UNDERTAKER’S MAN
“Lully, Lullay” ............................................................................................. BOB CRATCHIT and CRATCHIT FAMILY

"Great show Sonia Kibbee. You did a great job. We loved it!" Lori B.

night and it was so good to see you all!" Kate F.

The Bus To Amarillo  .........................................................,... Miss Mona

Originally produced on the New York Stage by Stevie Phillips in Association with Universal Pictures

Loved it!Barbara M.

Here's what some people had to say about this production!

No Lies .................................................................. Miss Mona and Jewel

"Amazing show!!!" Tori B.

Branch River Theatre, Keene Fusion Studios, The Community House of Marlborough, B & J Lighting and Sound.

​Our apologies if we've forgotten anyone!

"Wonderful performance!! Excellent actors!!" ... Nancy L.

Girl, You're A Woman ............ Miss Mona, Shy, Jewel and Ranch Girls

"This was a great show awesome cast!!!​" Star S.

Cast and Crew


Good Ole Girl ........................................................ Sherriff Ed Earl Dodd

Special Thanks

"Thank you for another fantastic show!!" ... Sarah B.

“We’ll Always Have Christmas” .................................................................................... FAN and YOUNG SCROOGE
“Hail That Ever Blessed Morn” .......................................................................... THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST
“Masters In This Hall” ............................................................................... FEZZIWIG, MRS. FEZZIWIG, and GUESTS
“Why Is This Night Special” ....................................................................... BELLE, YOUNG SCROOGE, and GUESTS

Best Little Whorehouse in Texas: Inspired by the real life Chicken Range in La Grange, Texas, authors Larry King and Peter Masterson joined forces with composer and lyricist Carol Hall to create this 1970's musical hit. In the tiny Texas town of Gilbert, Miss Mona has been operating a successful brothel, the Chicken Ranch. The establishment has been a part of the town for fifty years and Miss Mona has been friends with the local sheriff Ed Earl Dodd for years. On the day that Miss Mona takes two new employees under her wing, conservative TV personality Melvin P. Thorpe, based on real-life Marvin Zindler, exposes the brothel. Sheriff Dodd warns Miss Mona of the trouble, who laughs it off as she prepares her girls for the upcoming Aggies/Longhorn football game, where Senator Wingwoah has promised the winning team a night at the Chicken Ranch. When Melvin Thorpe shows up in the streets of Gilbert with his camera crew, Sheriff Dodd does his best to run them out of town, but only succeeds temporarily. Melvin Thorpe galvanizes the conservative voices of the state until the Governor must reluctantly shut down the business. Sheriff Dodd is sent to tell Miss Mona the news, who now must decide along with her girls how to start a new life

Christy W.

Who doesn’t remember the story of the stingy Ebenezer Scrooge who is visited by his ghostly former partner Marley? Marley warns Scrooge, that if he’s to escape the same fate as himself, three Spirits will visit him and they will take him on a journey of his Past, Present and Future. During Scrooge’s road to self discovery he will relive his past life as young Scrooge with his sister Fan and lost love Isabelle and happier times at Fezziwig’s. He is made aware of his unhappy present life and at that of his hapless employee Bob Cratchit and his impoverished family, especially Cratchit’s invalid son Tiny Tim. And, even though, he does not treat his nephew Fred particularly well, he learns during his journeys, that his nephew still respects him and wishes him well. When the last of the Spirits presents Scrooge with a vision of how people in the future will perceive his stinginess, even though he may have physical wealth, he does not have the things in life that count – the respect, love and good will of family and friends.

The Sidestep ....... Governor, Sen. Wingwoah, Melvin Thorpe, Chorus


What people had to say ...

it. I enjoyed it very much​." Pam M.

"We thoroughly enjoyed the show. You guys were great!!​" Sherry C.

show, great cast." Lynn N.

“The Reason For The Season #2” ................................................................................. NARRATOR and CAROLERS
 “Hush!  Hush!  Hush!” .................................................................................................. FRED, JANET, and SCROOGE
“Finale” .............................................................................................................................. SCROOGE and COMPANY

Watchdog Theme ......................................................................... Chorus

"Just saw Small Pond's production "Best Little Whorehouse." Great

Stave 4:  The Last of the Spirits


Texas Has A Whorehouse In It  Reprise  .....Melvin P. Thorpe, Chorus

“The Holly And The Ivy” ..................................................... THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT and SCROOGE
“Christmas Day Is Come” ............................................................................... MRS. CRATCHIT and BOB CRATCHIT
“Christmas Day Is Come—Reprise” ......................................................................................................... CAROLERS
“Christmas Comes But Once A Year” ............................................................................. FRED, JANET, and GUESTS

Director ...................................................... Traci Booth
Vocal Coach ............................................... Walt Sayre
Librettist ................................................ Jon R. O'Brien​  Choreographer ...................................... Barb Andrews
Lighting ............................................... Sharon McHugh Sound ...................................................... Ruth Linehan
Costumes ........................ Traci Booth, Donna Schauer
Set Design .................................................. Rich Booth
Set Construction .............................. Small Pond Board Poster Design..................................... Sharon McHugh Playbill ................................................ Sharon McHugh
​Ticket Reservations ............................... Lisa Perreault Tickets Window/Raffle .......................... Friends of SPP
Concessions .............................................. Tara Gillard Advertising ....................................... Small Pond Board
Production Photos ........................... Maureen McHugh