Ticket reservation line - 603-242-2314   e-mail smallpondinfo@yahoo.com 

Last updated: 02/17/2025

160 Main Street, Route 101, Marlborough, NH 03455


and has thought of ever since. After a long evening in which Jim and Laura are left alone by candlelight in the living room, waiting for electricity to be restored, Jim reveals that he is already engaged to be married, and he leaves. During their long scene together, Jim and Laura have shared a quiet dance, and he accidentally brushes against the glass menagerie, knocking the glass unicorn to the floor and breaking its horn off ("Now it's just like the other horses," Laura says). When Amanda learns that Jim was engaged she assumes Tom knew and lashes out at him. At play's end, as Tom speaks, it becomes clear that Tom left home soon afterward and never returned.

"Dinner with Katherine at the Thai Garden, a quality version of The Glass Menagerie featuring an excellent performance by Traci Booth, and drinks and appetizers afterwards with good friends that I need to make a point to spend more time with. :-) ... Dave F.

Ray Mahoney ........................................................ Scrooge
Hannah Mansson ............................................. Party Goer
Chris McCartie ............................................................. Fred
Joanne Mead ........................................... A Gentlewoman
Mia Moravis ..................................... Laundress, Phantom
Maria Muskus ....................................... Janet (Fred's wife)
Rose Muskus ................................. Fred's daughter, Want
Xavier Muskus ...................................................  Ignorance
Henry A. L. Parkhurst ........................................... Fezziwig
Tyler Patria .................................................... A Gentleman
Lisa Perreault ................................................ Mrs. Cratchit
John Sansone ................................................. Bob Cratchit
Donna Schauer ........................................................... Maid
Breanne Swanson ........................................ Cratchit Child
Bert Torsey ................................................. Marley's Ghost
Leah Varney ........................................ Fan, Fezziwig Party
Kate Williams ............................. Ghost of Christmas Past

Julie Armstrong ........................................................... Flute
Steve Armstrong ......................................................... Bass
Perin Ellsworth-Heller .............................................. Fiddle
Deb Gordon ........................................................... Clarinet
Kenny Hamshaw ......................................... Electric Guitar
Katrina Maloney ........................................................ Violin
Jon R. O'Brien ...................................................... Keyboard

Ke'ala Barnard .............................................................. Boy
Kieran Barnard ..................................................... Tiny Tim
Paul Battey .................................................... A Gentleman
Rich Booth ............................ Ghost of Christmas Present
Traci Booth ........................................................... Narrator
William Daher ................................................. Dick Wilkins
David DeLollis ........................................ Old Joe, Phantom
Morganna Ekkens .................................... Belinda Cratchit
Perin Ellsworth-Heller ............................................. Fiddler
Jonathan Flower ........................................... A Gentleman
Amber Harris ......................................................... Isabelle
Bryan Hebert ............ Young Scrooge, Undertaker's Man
Lisa Hull ............................................................. Mrs. Dilber
Jarrett Hull .................... Scrooge as a Boy, Peter Cratchit
Christy Lincoln .......................................... Martha Cratchit
Kay Lucius ..................................................... Mrs. Fezziwig
Bob Lyle ....................... Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come


Ruth's ghost immediately comes back for revenge on Elvira, and though Charles cannot at first see Ruth, he can see that Elvira is being chased and tormented, and his house is in uproar. He calls Madame Arcati back to exorcise both of the spirits, but instead of banishing them, she materialises Ruth. With both his dead wives now fully visible, and neither of them in the best of tempers, Charles, together with Madame Arcati, goes through séance after séance and spell after spell to try to exorcise them, and at last Madame Arcati succeeds. Charles is left seemingly in peace, but Madame Arcati, hinting that the ghosts may still be around unseen, warns him that he should go far away as soon as possible. Charles leaves at once, and the unseen ghosts throw things and destroy the room as soon as he has gone..

TOM WINGFIELD .................................... Chris McCartie
AMANDA WINGFIELD .................................. Traci Booth
LAURA WINGFIELD ................................... Amber Harris
JIM O'CONNOR ......................................... Bryan Hebert
DANCE HALL PATRONS ..................... Henry Parkhurst,
Lisa Perreault, John Sansone, Sven Svenson

DIRECTOR .......................................................................... P.J. Cooke
PRODUCER/MUSIC DIRECTOR ............................... Michael Cohen
DIRECTOR'S ASSISTANT ............................................ John Sansone
CHOREOGRAPY ...................................... Barb Andrews, P.J. Cooke
LIGHTING ............................................................... Sharon McHugh
SOUND .......................................................................... Ben Gagnon
COSTUMES .......................................................................... Lisa Hull
STAGE MANAGER ..................................................... Cynthia Rodier
SET DESIGNER ................................................................. Rich Booth
SET CONSTRUCTION .............. Small Pond Board, Barb Andrews, Steve Bourque, Franny Cooke, P.J. Cooke, Dennis Noonan, Lynn Noonan, Lisa Perreault, Paul Perreault, Liz Sumner
POSTER DESIGN ....................................................... Michael Cohen
PROGRAM DESIGN ................................................ Sharon McHugh
LOBBY PHOTOS .................................................. Maureen McHugh

The plot as described by Wikipedia...
Charles Condomine, a successful novelist, wishes to learn about the occult for a novel he is writing, and he arranges for an eccentric medium, Madame Arcati, to hold a séance at his house. At the séance, she inadvertently summons Charles's first wife, Elvira, who has been dead for seven years. Madame Arcati leaves after the séance, unaware that she has summoned Elvira. Only Charles can see or hear Elvira, and his second wife, Ruth, does not believe that Elvira exists until a floating vase is handed to her out of thin air. The ghostly Elvira makes continued, and increasingly desperate, efforts to disrupt Charles's current marriage. She finally sabotages his car in the hope of killing him so that he will join her in the spirit world, but it is Ruth rather than Charles who drives off and is killed.


Before writing a word, I already knew the perfect person to play the very demanding role of Joanie - Kay Perkins, who starred as Amelia in the previous musical. We populated the rest of the cast with many of the best character actors in the region, most of whom have appeared in previous Small Pond productions. With the help of The Moving Company, we found a talented troop of singing/dancing kids to play the inhabitants of the fantasy realm. And none of this would have come life without the talent, hard work, and dedication of our director P.J. Cooke, assisted by a great crew and some hotshot musicians.
So sit back, suspend your disbelief, and let us transport you to a land far from here, yet ever so near.

Director ............................................................ Traci Booth
Producer .................................................. Sharon McHugh
Music Director .................................................... JoJo Mead
Choreographer ........................................... Barb Andrews
Lighting/Sound ........................................ Sharon McHugh
Costumes ......................................... Traci Booth, Lisa Hull
Make-up ..................................... Pat Lincoln, Lynn Varney
Set Construction .... Small Pond Board, Dennis Noonan, Bob Lyle, Bert Torsey, David  Gregory
Poster Design/Playbill ............................. Sharon McHugh
Advertising ............................................ Small Pond Board
Production Photos ............................... Maureen McHugh

"Well, Y'all! I have seen Small Pond Productions' "The Glass Menagerie" twice and Traci, Chris, Amber and Bryan are just fabulous, and I mean fabulous. If you haven't seen it, it's not too late - there's a show tonight at 8PM and a matinee tomorrow at 2PM. Bravo to you for fantastic directing, Rich! Break a leg to all tonight!!" ... Maria M.

Here's Dickens' "Smoking Bishop" recipe:
• Take six Seville oranges and bake them in a moderate oven until pale brown. If you cannot procure any bitter Seville oranges, use four regular oranges and one large grapefruit.
• Prick each of the oranges with five whole cloves, put them into a warmed ceramic or glass vessel with one-quarter pound of sugar and a bottle of red wine, cover the vessel, and leave it in a warm place for 24 hours.
• Take the oranges out of the mixture, cut in half and squeeze the juice, then pour the juice back into the wine.
• Pour the mixture into a saucepan through a sieve, add a bottle of port, heat (without boiling), and serve in warmed glasses.
• Drink the mixture, and keep Christmas well!
(Note: Paul McClowsky of The Dark Horse Inn in Philadelphia recommends bringing the mixture to a boil, then simmering for an hour, adding brandy, brown sugar and orange juice.)

What people had to say about this show ...

DIRECTOR .......................................... Sharon McHugh
STAGE MANAGER ................................ Lauralei Knight
LIGHTING/SOUND ............................ Sharon McHugh
COSTUMES  ............................................... Traci Booth
SET DESIGNER .................................... Dennis Noonan
SET CONSTRUCTION ......... Small Pond Board, David Gregory, Dennis Noonan, Paul Perreault
SPECIAL EFFECTS ..........................................  The Cast
LOBBY PHOTOS ............................  Maureen McHugh


DIRECTOR .....................................................  Rich Booth
LIGHTING .............................................. Sharon McHugh
SOUND .................................... Rich Booth, Eddie Harris
COSTUMES  .................................. Lisa Hull, Traci Booth
SET DESIGNER ............................................... Rich Booth
SET CONSTRUCTION .......... Small Pond Board, 
Amber Harris, Eddie Harris, Bryan Hebert, Dennis Noonan, Paul Perreault
PRODUCTION PHOTOS ...................  Maureen McHugh

"We really enjoyed the show! What fun! Thanks, everyone!!!" ...  Cynthia R.

An Original Musical by Michael Cohen
Directed by P.J. Cooke




A NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR: A few years ago Small Pond presented my musical adaptation of Jimmy Gownley's graphic novel series “Amelia Rules”. I was really impressed with the talented kids we have in this area, and decided that I should take advantage of that and write another kids musical.
I spent some time trying to find a suitable story to adapt, one that was old enough to be in the public domain. I've always been a fan of fantasy, but found that most of the pre-1920 children's fantasy stories were written in a very stilted manor and featured stereotyped characters, usually kids who were just too good to be true. So I decided to take a shot at writing my own story, and settled on doing a modern take on the classic “little girl goes through a magic portal to a fantasy realm” plot. I threw in a little twist, and if you're wondering what the title of this play signifies, stay tuned, you'll find out soon.



Who doesn’t remember the story of the stingy Ebenezer Scrooge  who is visited by his ghostly former partner Marley? Marley warns Scrooge, that if he’s to escape the same fate as himself, three Spirits will visit him and they will take him on a journey of his Past, Present and Future. During Scrooge’s road to self discovery he will relive his past life as young Scrooge with his sister Fan and lost love Isabelleand happier times at Fezziwig’s. He is made aware of his unhappy present life and at that of his hapless employee Bob Cratchit and his impoverished family, especially Cratchit’s invalid son Tiny Tim. And, even though, he does not treat his nephew Fred particularly well, he learns during his journeys, that his nephew still respects him and wishes him well. When the last of the Spirits presents Scrooge with a vision of how people in the future will perceive his stinginess, even though he may have physical wealth, he does not have the things in life that count – the respect, love and good will of family and friends.

This will mark the second time Small Pond Productions will be presenting this very special musical production, and their fourth time in presenting this classic story, making it an annual event for people of all ages to enjoy.

JOANIE HAMMOND .................................... Kay Perkins
CLARE HAMMOND .............................. Allison Barrows
MEGAN HAMMOND ...................... Rebecca Mansfield
TIM HAMMOND ......................................... Andy Cooke
RODERICK DeLACY ................................. Ray Mahoney
MRS.FENCH ........................................... Cynthia Rodier
AMBROSINE ................................................. Liz Sumner
ARTESIA (THE WHITE LADY) .......................... P.J. Cooke
SYLPH .................................................. Mary Armstrong
INSECTOR BROMHALL .......................... Dan Patterson
OFFICER OGILVEY ..................................  John Sansone
LOCKSMITH ........................................ Henry Parkhurst
THISTLE .................................................. Christy Lincoln
POLGY .................................................. Cameron Tollett
ROSE ....................................................... Ke'ala Barnard
VIOLET ................................................ Hannah Lambert
ORYN ........................................................ James Elmour
CLEANTHA ............................................. Jocelyn Pellerin
MADDY .................................................... Franny Cooke
IRIS ............................................................. Sara Corrieri
AINSEL ................................................ Ananda Harpster
SKILLY ......................................................... Christy Blair
WISTERIA ............................................. Faith Patenaude
JILI .......................................................... Aliyah Hoffman
URGAN ..................................................... Sola Hoffman
NIGHTWATCHMEN AND GUARDS ..... Steve Bourque, Bryan Hebert, Jonathan Flower, Jarrett Hull, Kate Williams


The plot as described by Wikipedia ...
The play is introduced to the audience by Tom as a memory play, based on his recollection of his mother Amanda and his sister Laura.
Amanda's husband abandoned the family long ago. Although a survivor and a pragmatist, Amanda yearns for the illusions and comforts she remembers from her days as a fêted Southern belle. She yearns especially for these things for her daughter Laura, a young adult with a crippled foot and tremulous insecurity about the outside world. Tom works in a warehouse, doing his best to support them. He chafes under the banality and boredom of everyday life and spends much of his spare time watching movies in cheap cinemas at all hours of the night. Amanda is obsessed with finding a suitor for Laura, who spends most of her time with her collection of little glass animals. Tom eventually brings a nice boy named Jim home for dinner at the insistence of his mother, who hopes Jim will be the long-awaited suitor for Laura.  Laura  realizes  that  Jim is the man she loved in high school

MICHAEL COHEN ................................................. Guitar
JULIE ARMSTRONG ................................................ Flute
STEVE ARMSTRONG ............................................... Bass
MIKE NIECKOSKI .......................................... Percussion

"What a fun show! Enjoyed it immensely. Thanks to cast and crew ..." ...  Vesta H.

RUTH CONDOMINE .............................. Lisa Perreault
EDITH, THE MAID ...................................... Tara Gillard
CHARLES CONDOMINE ........................ John Sansone
DR. BRADMAN ....................................... Arthur Knight
MRS. BRADMAN ................................... Maria Muskus
MADAME ARCATI ....................................... Carrie Kidd
ELVIRA ........................................................ Traci Booth

OUTSIDE MY ROOM ................................................................ Joanie
MINE ................................................................................. Ambrosine
REST IN PEACE ......................................... Roderick and Mrs. Fench
BORED ................................................................................. Fyldlings
STUCK WITH ME .............................................. Joanie and Fyldlings
NOT ONE OF US .................................................................. Fyldlings
I'LL KEEP AN EYE ON THEM ................................. Slyph & Fyldlings
CONFORM ................................................................................ Joanie
A DISNEY KIND OF LOVE ........................................................ Joanie
WHERE'S MY JOAN ................................................ Clare with Joanie
GENTLE SPIRIT ............................................... Megan with Fyldlings
JUST BEYOND THAT DOOR ................................................... Megan
MINE (Reprise) ............................................... Ambrosine & Artesia
WHAT IS IT WITH SISTERS? ..... Joannie with Ambrosine & Artesia
HAPPY ENDING SONG ......................... Joanie, Megan & Company



"Great show last night. Thanks!" ...  Dean E.

Generously Sponsored by Peerless Ins. Co.

Here's what people had to say ...